
We recognize the importance of personal information and our social responsibility to protect it. We make efforts to handle personal information appropriately based on the following privacy policy.

1, Definition of Purpose
When collects personal information, defines the specific purpose of the use of the information and collects information to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose. When changes the purpose of the use, such changes are made to the extent that it is reasonably admitted that the purpose is adequately related with the purpose before change.

2, Restriction of Use uses the acquired personal information to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose. If we use this information in a manner different than the purpose for which it was collected, we will ask for your consent in advance. However, this does not always apply in case of the use of the information in accordance with the laws or ordinances or when the use is needed to protect human life, body or assets.

3, Adequate Collection of Information collects personal information in a legal and fair way.

4, Notice of Purpose of Use on Information Collection
When collects personal information, notifies or announces the purpose of its use in advance. The same applies to the case when we acquire written personal information of customers. When the purpose of use is changed, such change will be notified to the customer or announced.

5, Ensuring of Data Correctness makes efforts to keep the personal data correct and up-to-date to the extent necessary to achieve the intended use.

6, Safety Control Measures takes necessary measures to prevent the leak, loss or damage of personal data and to control the safety of personal data.

7, Supervision of Persons Engaged supervises the persons who handle personal data on a need-to-know basis, in order to control the safety of the personal data to the extent necessary and appropriate.

8, Corrections of Personal Data
When a customer requests for the correction, addition or deletion (hereafter referred to as "corrections") of his or her personal data, conducts necessary survey without delay and make corrections required based on the result of the survey.

9, Disuse of Personal Data
When a customer requests for the disuse or deletion (hereafter referred to as "disuse, etc.") of his or her personal data, conducts an investigation without delay and carries out disuse, etc. if due reason is found.

10, Building of Structure assigns the personal information manager to take necessary measures to protect personal information. In addition, we regularly conduct in-house audit to check if the personal information is handled properly and to maintain/improve the protection of personal information.

11, Employee Training trains and educates the board members and employees for the importance of personal information and its proper handling in order to take thorough actions required.

12, Compliance with the Laws and Ordinances observes the laws, ordinances and guidelines for personal information protection. Moreover, we provide and observe the internal rules necessary for protection of personal information, and improve them continuously in line with the changes of the social environment.

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